for indie feature

Hello everybody, I am looking for a producer to come on for my debut feature project. A small indie horror film about a girl struggling with what it means to be normal and finding acceptance with a like minded new friend.

I'm looking for someone who will come in right at the start, get the funding, work me like a dog and be as committed to this project as I am.

I am based in London, UK and have made numerous shorts some that have been in festivals, most recently at Raindance.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you.
Hey there – Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I organise a collaborative meet-up group with directors, producers, writers, actors...etc in London. We meet every couple of months and have a pretty active mailing list. If you'd like, I'd be happy to circulate an email about your project as I'm sure there are people in our group who'd be interested in helping.

If you're interested drop me a PM.