Shooting starts Monday

We start principal photography on our first short, No Evil, on Monday.

We're all beginners, learning as we go, so wish us luck.

You can follow our adventures at ZolaScope.

Make sure that you get the sound right!!!!!

Thanks. As far as sound goes, we're on a learning curve with that, just as with everything else. But learning is the whole point...

Our sound guy, Tom, is 16 years old. He's done a little film-making at school (here in France it's common for kids to do film as part of the curriculum). He's also smart and a quick-learner. We've had some practice sessions and he's done a good job.
Good luck! Principal photography is great fun.
Though a couple of tips I would offer from my own experience:

- Make sure you have everything at the ready beforehand: battery charge, setting, timings, script etc.

- If you're working with friends, who are doing it for free, then make sure you don't treat them too harshly. Most of the time, you do get the odd friend/s who begin to mess about a bit; if so, either try to do as much little work with them as possible or somehow talk sense into them.

- And make sure you either have food and drink at the ready, or organise a time slot for a trip to the local shop.

- And best of all, just have fun!
Let poor ol Tom know where the shot frame field is so that he can keep the mic boom outta your shots!

Thanks folks. All the crew are friends, but all have an interest in film-making (at least one is about to go to university to study it) and therefore have a real motivation to do it right.

And as for Tom, he's not booming - we've got someone else for that!

And yes - lots of snacks and drinks on standby...!