It's good to be here.

Hello. I am an aspiring filmmaker of animated movies. I have a series of them planned and expect my first film to be released to DVD next year. I am pleased to be here among a lot of fellow filmmakers and animators like myself. I will be soon sharing a few of my animated videos of short films and previews of my movies with you. I also intend to watch and comment on videos many of you have made. As I believe in circular feedback.

I am also a screenwriter of my own movies and have studied at the art of it for almost ten years. My movies are in my favorite categories of movies I also have always loved all my life. The genres of Family, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi.

I also write in prose and plan to write my own novelizations of my movies as I've studied at this other medium of writing for just as long before I studies screenwriting. My movies and books are aimed towards general audiences and I hope many will find them delightful.

I hope to be a great member on here and to be accepted as I am as I aim to do the same for everyone else.

Thank you.
I'll be there and you'll be here, and that's the deal my dear.

I just read your bio so what is the deal with the Oz series?
Aren't there legal issues with taking a character from a different series.
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Welcome aboard... I too am new here also lol

Out of curiosity, could you point me in the direction of getting my hands on the International Participants Booklet, distributed at The 68th Festival De Cannes (2015)? I was there this year, but failed to take this with me

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

Michelle W
I personally don't know about how to obtain the International Participants Booklet from The 68th Festival De Cannes (2015). However, I do know of a website that lists all information about film festivals everywhere including Internationals and includes links to the festivals own official websites on each page's listing. You might find it there at this particular festival's page listing.

The website is

I hope this helps.