How to Steal Like an Artist

That was lovely. I'm feeling generally inspired this spring, more so than I have in a long time. I'm trying to get back that same courage to create I had when I was younger. Only this time I'm armed with more skills and technique. This pretty much sums up everything I'm feeling again.

Thanks for sharing.
That was a nice article.

I'm like UC, feeling all warm and creative at the moment. My problem is always one of becoming disillusioned 60% of the way through a project, but this spring i aim to repair this character fault.

To facilitate this I just download the Penultimate app onto my iPad. Don't know if anyone else uses it but everything I write is really messy (and I normally have nice neat/girly handwriting)! Does anyone else have this problem?
Don't know if anyone else uses it but everything I write is really messy (and I normally have nice neat/girly handwriting)! Does anyone else have this problem?
The older I get the faster my once-upon-a-time beautiful penmanship deteriorates into a "suggestive-of-generally-recognized-letters" string of loops and wave-like spikes aggravated by continuous loops for dotting my t's and crossing my i's.
random breaks within a single word are rampant.
Pointless flourishes... flourish, like kudzu.
I scribble in corrections and litter with a litany of shorthand symbols meaningless to anyone rational.

I wish I could say notes I leave for others were attractive, but... I know what I used to write like a couple decades ago vs. what I'm scriblin' out now.
At least they're legible.

Looks more like contemporary calligraphy, actually.

An interesting read, for sure.

I must say that I never really document, physically, my schedule. Be it 90% of my work is from a keyboard, it comes naturally.

I can, and I think I will bombard myself with sticky notes and journal scribble. It helps.

Nick, I'm very much the same. I barely handwrite anything since i left college. It's perculiar, but easily understandable.
Great read. Thanks for posting!

I was forever the weird kid growing up, doing strange things in strange ways, scribbling, drawing, taking things apart, building new things... then in high school I found the art class. It was a place where all of the "freaks & geeks" hung out; like refugees from the crowded hallways. A place to feel safe spending hours molding a piece of clay or painting on a canvas. Ever since then I've gravitated toward that sort of vibe and collection of people. In college it was the art and theater department. In adult life it's IndieTalk. ;)
I think the hardest one for me is the 'Artists are boring' part. I spend too much time having fun and subsequently being hung over and not enough time actually making things.

So that's my spring resolution. Be boring and make lots of art. For better or for worse. :)

Glad you guys liked the article :D