My 2 cents on PRODUCER REPS

Have I ever encountered a legitimate Producer Rep for independent film? Yes, they are called 'DISTRIBUTORS' and they don't charge their clients.

Producer Reps are in the business of selling independent filmmakers their own dream. All any of us want to hear is that there is a market for what we have created - Producer Reps will gladly tell you this.

How they work:
- Find an independent film (through a festival market, screening, Indiegogo, web trailers, forums etc.)
- Express interest to the filmmaker via email and request a screener.
- After receiving the screener, call the filmmaker with a plan on where you think the film will be successful.
- High pressure: I'd love to take your film to "insert upcoming market here" - but we will need you to sign a contract right away.
- Contract includes a retainer fee and expenses.

Ask them how many films they have represented in the last year. Maybe 1 out of 100+ showed nominal success (a $500-$3000 license fee for broadcast). I wouldn't pay for those odds with anything. Producer Reps work on volume, not success.

If your film is good enough, it will find its home - but you can't give up. There is no Cinderella story for most of us DIY filmmakers. Just plenty of hard work and determination. Get your film into festivals, network and get people watching. PICK UP THE PHONE! - a disappearing art. Talk to people about your project and get them excited. Look into some of the independent distributors. I've had great success with Passion River Films in the US and they never asked for a penny.

Most importantly, have a plan before you shoot. Who is your audience? How will you find them? Getting the film in the can is only 50% of the battle. When filmmakers have a final cut, I say to them "Now the hard part starts."

If you feel that a Producer Rep is your only option - work with one that operates on a 'contingent fee' - meaning they get paid when you do. If THEY don't believe in your product, how do you expect them to get anyone else to?