If it's already been done... Do it better!

Hello Indietalk! That's just a saying I think to myself from time to time as I pitch potential projects. Certain stories and character architypes go back to ancient times... Anyway, here I am!

A little about me...

Last year, I premiered my directorial debut, Love, Lust, & A Room Key, a feature film which I also produced, acted in, wrote and edited. Lots of hats to wear!
Love, Lust, & A Room Key went on to win awards for "Best Filmed Screenplay" and "Best Editing" from the 19th Annual IFS Film Festival in Los Angeles, CA. Additionally, I have experience in front of the camera, having starred in the SYFY original movie, S.S Doomtroper, A Simple Promise, Buffy's: Angel, among other TV and film performances.

My current film project: http://igg.me/at/hollywoodgirl/x/9373267
My last feature film project: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/38535
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/James-Pomichter/11490065476?ref=hl
I absolutely agree with your choice of motto there. "If it's already been done, do it better."

I think I would also say "If it's already been done, find a new twist on it." It's a little less catchy, but I like to think that there are plenty of unique ways to spin an idea to make it new and fresh, along with many ways to frame and photograph a story that will make it visually fresh to an audience.