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Proofreading Your Script.

Proofreading Your Script.

If a script is your calling card you better be 100% sure it is written in a professional manner. Format, punctuation, missing words, grammatical errors literally jump off the page and jar the reader out of your story. Writers often overlook professional proofreading because they feel they can catch their own errors, or that the computer will auto correct and yet there are hundreds of scripts passing across industry desks filled with mistakes.

Proofreading is not Coverage.

The proofreader is not making adjustments or suggestions on your script. The proofreader has the difficult task of going through your script with a fine tooth comb. If you have never had an error in your script then this service is not for you. It is for the writer, whether they are a novice or seasoned writer, who is not sure if there are mistakes that may have been overlooked. Truth is our brains will auto correct most mistakes and fill in missing words and grammatical corrections as we read.

That is why proofreading is so difficult, but it doesn't have to be if you use Scriptapalooza Proofreading Service. Our proofreaders are industry professionals whose eyes are trained to spot the mistakes.

Smart writers proofread, smarter writers choose Scriptapalooza Proofreading Service.

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