$1400 Budget, am I doing it right?

Alright so my budget is $1400 and I've been reading a lot of threads on this website and I've decided this is what I'm going to purchase to start making short films.

I've decided to go with the Canon GL2 because I'm seen some really good footage on various websites and the manual settings could help me down the line.

I chose the Rode NTG-2 because its battery powered and I can get a cheap one for $200 on eBay.

I'm not 100% sure with this decision but this kit looks alright for a noobie.

Already have a mac and Final Cut so I'm good in this department.

Any suggestions on how I could improve my kit?
They seem decently rugged for a device that mimic's an Apple case design. The mini is small enough to rig onto a camera for handheld work, but would take some creativity to power and run to a laptop.

Atomos Ninja seems a better choice

I couldn't remember the name of the company last night, but these guys make solid converters. Well, solid enough for monitoring, I've not seen footage recorded through one. Would pair nicely with an Atomos or an mxo2


Bear in mind that going this route is going to cost a couple grand, but you are getting gear that would serve many cameras including older SD ones that you are considering starting out with.

Your thread title is your initial gear investment, yeah? Not your total budget for a specific project?

Yeah my total budget. I'm just going to save the trouble and get a T2I. Their cheaper than an XM2 and I'd rather going digital than tape.