I have 30 days.

30 days to make the best possible Christmas film that I can.

I've finally finished writing the screenplay (after many, many drafts). And now I'm stuck.

I'm a student filmmaker, so I don't have a ton of opportunities for actors and/or locations. I'm sure I can get a few of my friends to act, but as for the adults and small children in the film, I have absolutely no idea. I have no money to spend on actors, and I'm hesitant to go to Craigslist because... I'm a teenager.

Please give me any tips/advice that you have to get this done in 30 days! Ahh!

Thank you,

Check out a local theatre. All my actors have been friends of mine or friends of a close friend of mine. Sometimes it's hard to tell with children, I've just recently shot a film with two 13 year olds as the main actors, one I got through a theatre company who I also knew, the other, not completely by choice, was my brother. But he turned out a relatively good actor.

Also the whole don't work with children or animals thing is a lie. Somewhat. I've done both and there is a little bit of a challenge, but it's fun, and I find them more willing to do things than some adult actors (maybe it's because I'm younger I can connect with them better) + they have more free time.

30 days isn't bad, think of 48hr film contests! My first one I only organised my actors in that 48 hour period as well :O

Advice: Contact a local theatre company and/or post on Facebook or likewise asking your friends if they can act.

Also I've never spent a cent on actors. Wait. I buy them food, but that's all.