• If posting a video, please post HERE, unless it is a video as part of an advertisement and then post it in this section.
    • If replying to threads please remember this is the Promotion area and the person posting may not be open to feedback.

Ready to Distribute?

We at IndieFlix are committed to providing a forum for you, the filmmaker, to make money and distribute your film in a free market! We are THE REAL DEAL, no bull. We aren't trying to blatantly advertise, we just want you to know about us and how we can help you!

If you sign with us, our contracts are non-exclusive. Meaning, you can continue to shop your movie elsewhere, you own your own movie. You don't sign any rights over to us at all... we just help you. Plus, you get 70 PERCENT OF YOUR PROFITS. Meaning, even if we come across the next "Slumdog Millionaire"... awesome. Congratulations. You, the filmmaker, would get all the money that FocusFeatures or any of the other overhead production companies would get. IndieFlix only takes 30 percent... the minimal needed for us to stay in business.

IndieFlix wants to empower the people, not the system! We are the small, the few, the proud. Please check out our site, but more importantly, get involved! Send your film, check out the ones we have (they are super cheap too, btw... on average only $5!) and support YOURSELVES, you artists and visionaries out there! We love you!

Our new site look is launching tomorrow, we're all really excited about it. Please show us love, because we sure do love you a whole lot...
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