Starting points for psychology and philosophy?

I'm gonna be getting a kindle for Christmas, and I figure, with how cheap certain books are, I can finally begin to read around on psychology and philosophy.
So I'm wondering if anyone knows of any books that would make good starting points for each topic?

Thanks :)
Philosophy - read "Sophie's World." Don't read too many reviews about it before hand...there are some good twists that will be spoiled by careless reviewers. This is a fun way to get an introduction to Philosophy.

You might be able to get some classic Plato for free - like The Republic.
Philosophy, "Logic: The Art Of Thinking." Also, look up books on the pioneers such as, Plato and Aristotle.

Psychiatry, look up books on the pioneer, Sigmond Freud. There is Abnormal Phsyhiatry, Addictions, Cognative Thinking, Conditioned Behavior, and Psychosomatic Behavior.

I don't know exact book titles. But, I studied it in college. My instructor was a 20 year journeyman clinical psychologist. He gave us lots of personal experiences with cases he worked on over the years of what he taught.