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LOON - My First Feature

Hey everyone, please check out my first feature I produced. We are looking to send this off to festivals, then hope to get a distribution deal.


What did I just watch????

That's one very strange trailer. Very different from the norm - many many SUPERs (superimposed text). For me it was a big miss, I would follow traditional trailer norms and re-do this.

We are looking to send this off to festivals, then hope to get a distribution deal.

If the quality of the trailer reflects the quality of your feature, you're far off from getting a distribution deal.

Sorry if that's not what you want to hear but you need to be aware of your market, realistic and objective in relation to the quality of your work etc. Is this pro quality? No. Sell-able quality? No.
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What did I just watch????

That's one very strange trailer. Very different from the norm - many many SUPERs (superimposed text). For me it was a big miss, I would follow traditional trailer norms and re-do this.

has me curious but the video won't load past two seconds for me
The text was lengthly and all the footage seem to be shot at the same place on the same day. A feature would have a variety of footage in the trailer. Also, I would not watch a film knowing in advance a dog was going to be killed.
I'm a bit shocked at the responses thus far - not that I think the film me made is the next Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre, because I don't.

But what we made for just $1,000 with limited resources was pretty damn good I'd say. This film was shot in multiple locations. The teaser was just made to introduce the film's antagonist, who resides in an abandoned carnival attraction near the woods.

And just so you know, there are no dogs killed on screen. But there will be graphic sound effects of baseball bats beating human's heads in.

The owner of a distribution company actually told me just today he wants to see the film once it's complete. And we've been getting good responses from indie horror fans.

I do appreciate you guys taking the time to post your honest opinions. Sorry you didn't enjoy the teaser; perhaps you'll dig the official trailer much more.
But what we made for just $1,000 with limited resources was pretty damn good I'd say.
Your film has to appeal to people without using a "limited budget" crutch. Even with the footage you have, there are a number of post-production things you could have done to improve it.

The owner of a distribution company actually told me just today he wants to see the film once it's complete. And we've been getting good responses from indie horror fans.

Before you send it off, do a number of test screenings with horror fans you don't know so you can fix weak areas.

Good luck.
Good advice from GuerrillaAngel, also...

But what we made for just $1,000 with limited resources was pretty damn good I'd say. This film was shot in multiple locations. The teaser was just made to introduce the film's antagonist, who resides in an abandoned carnival attraction near the woods.

This teaser/trailer does not reflect the multiple locations. Look at your teaser objectively. It in no way screams quality. Showing multiple locations in your trailer, and more than one actor would help.

And get rid of the 5+ blank screens and superimposed text - for me, it just screamed amateur.

For trailers, you want to 'wow', put your best foot forward. This teaser/trailer 100% does not.

Anyone can shoot some guy wearing a mask walking through a forest. That shows none of your film making skills and was boring to watch.

And we've been getting good responses from indie horror fans.

For this trailer or the whole feature? If it's the trailer, they're way off.
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The text tells you the whole story. You might as well have just given us a summary.

I don't want to read text, I want to listen to dialogue, and see interesting visuals. How about instead of telling us, you show us.
Can you redo the trailer? We need to see more scenes and shots. Take out all the subtitles and show what happens instead. Show everything in a series of shots, and maybe some dialogue from the characters would help.
1:30 would have been a better length.

It's much, much better, but it's also a bit long. Definitely an improvement, but it doesn't seem to be quite there yet. Faster editing and less repetition. Many shots and scenes seem similar. You also gave away a lot of scenes from the film, which a good trailer shouldn't do. Have you ever seen a trailer that gives away the best/scariest part(s)? That's what I felt your trailer did.

Best of luck with the film! :cool: