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Thunderclap - Feedback Film Festival


After submitting my animation to a number of film festivals over the course of a year I was noticing that when I got a "no" reply, I would never get feedback, and it seemed to be like paid job interviews.

So I used FilmFreeway to create my own online film festival, 'Feedback Film Festival' which has the soul aim of giving good detailed feedback to every entry. People are actually entering and seem to love the idea.

In its second month I've created a Thunderclap to see if I can get the word out, and to see if other people think its a good idea. In case you haven't heard of Thudnerclap, it's like Kickstarter without asking for money. If the project gets 100 supporters within 5 days then a small message will be tweeted/facebooked out through everyone's feeds to give it a big boost.

It's currently just over 50% with 5 days left to go.

If you like the idea, please help me out and share it around: