FCP 7.03 and MTS files. Aaaarrrghhhhh!!!!!

OK... so I have a little problem. In fact, I have a significant issue.

My issue is I am trying to download MTS files to an external hard drive while FCP 7.03 keeps trying to put it into my computer's hard drive. I can't even see the path it is using on my MacBook Pro.

FCP7 (log and transfer, preferences...) does not allow me to do this. I change the preferences the way I always would in terms of where the path should be but when I actually come to download, FCP 7.03 just does what it feels like and sticks all the data onto my computer's hard drive, not my nice, 2 TB external hard drive.

So to get around this, there are clearly two solutions:

1. Download the MTS files into the external hard drive and then convert them using a converter. Has anyone used and could recommend a good MTS converter?

2. Get FCP7.03 to actually download in the place I want it to download into.

Anyone have a recommendation for either?