Where are you all?

So, it's been recommended to me to find a film collective. Apparently these are groups of amateurs who get together and talk about or engage in projects and help each other out. From what I've gathered, these are formally organised groups that beginners can join and socialise with other people interested in film-making topics.

Finding them, however, has proven difficult for someone as challenged at doing anything remotely akin to success, like me.

Since there seems to be more than a few Aussies on this board, I figured I'd ask y'all where the heck you're all hiding and whether or not you're hiding from me on purpose because I smell and have an acute form of social repulsion called my personality?
I know there used to be one in Bendigo but it kinda died off a few years ago. I personally don't know of any and have never looked particularly hard to find a group. I tend to network more with individuals