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watch "A Generic, Borderline-Redneck-French Family-Get Together"


I followed around my various family members during a summer cook out. The two boys with the B-B Gun are my brothers. I never knew how deeply their stupidity ran. But all problems aside, I think this turned out well.

Let me know what you think.
Honestly - This has been one of the MOST engaging shorts I've seen around here lately DESPITE the low resolution AND the manic camera work.

The edit timing was perhaps the strongest element.
I ALWAYS wanted each shot to last just a few frames longer but each kept getting clipped at its end.
I can't tell if that's because you wanted them short on purpose or just went a hair wacky with them. :huh:
But it sure did keep the frenetic pacing almost falling over itself fast.

I'm not gonna say anything about the resolution.
The tools you have are the tools you have.
God knows a better camera isn't going to make anything other than the picture better.

I've been born and raised in the South. THAT'S pretty much exactly what I'd expect for a redneck family get together.
So, you captured it well, (except for the food and drink and maybe more of the adults yakin' and blabbin'.)
No arguments or fights?
Ya'll must have a real nice family.
Almost decent story telling.

Now, about that manic camera work...
I don't know what your age&body weight are, but you're bouncing that little camera all around as if al qaeda were shooting at you.
Hold the camera a little more still. Take YOUR time.
You might wanna run about (this really means "walk" or "keep up!") looking like a dork with your preference between a fist grip - or - cup-and-saucer grip.


If that's an actual camera-camera or camcorder it'll probably have a standard 1/4" tripod mount screw beneath it where you could add some weight to it that it and your arms don't bounce around quite so much.

A genuine shoulder rig might impair your genuine documentarian style - but the images WOULD look better.


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Yeah, I used my little old Samsung camera from forever ago. Didn't want to bring my nice camera, if I remember correctly. It's hard to keep that little thing still without a stabilizer or monopod. Also, because of my molasses-slow laptop, I had to publish the project in like..."Medium" size, which really sucks.