Anyone ever notice this in Goodfellas

I was watching Goodfellas and I noticed something rather odd that I never noticed before until now. It was the Steadicam scene where Henry and Karen were going to a restaurant and they go through the kitchen. It seemed to me that they went in a circle.

If you notice in the beginning when they enter the kitchen they pass by a hose and when they finally exit the kitchen they pass by a similar looking hose. It seems to me that they don't go through the whole kitchen and turn around towards the middle and go back to the entrance which leads to the dining room of the restaurant. I've also noticed a few other strange things in Goodfellas.
Like this scene. The scene were Tommy shoots spider.

Watch Ray Liotta. You see him get up to help spider and then he is back sitting down and then he is seen helping spider again. He then helps carry spider out but is then seen sitting back at the table and then again he is carrying out spider.