This Looks Right

Posting here first seems to be the in-thing, so here I go. I call myself a filmmaker. I have been pursuing filmmaking since I was about 9, which translates to the past 7 years. I tried the Reddit filmmakers subredit and was brutalized because I'm not as experienced as the rest of them. I've looked around and I really like how this place looks. I hope I can eventually settle in and call this place my home.

Now, onto the the shameless self-advertising. I am co-creator and doer of everything for a small sketch comedy group resident of YouTube. As we improve our work, we're trying to get ourselves out there to people. I plan on making a thread somewhere here where I'll continuously update it with our videos if you guys seem interested, starting with our next upload.

I also have a personal YouTube channel which I do whatever I want without any kind of genre. This typically falls into short films and comedy sketches. This is where I will be showcasing my attempt at growing as a filmmaker. I understand I'm not perfect, so I'm one hundred percent welcome to criticism. I just hope you guys will be nicer than the folks on Reddit lol.

Noble Comedy (sketch comedy group)

Personal YouTube Channel