Another Lethal Blow . . .

NYC has changed a lot under Bloomberg. He hates cars and likes to replace busy intersections with shopping malls.

Replacing top talent? No, you get stuck with less experienced people who turn the production into one big crap shoot with low probability for success. My back is to the wall. The agreements took too long to make. They are custom. We will stay right on schedule with the shoot.
I had one actress for each of our two open roles show up. I had them sign their paperwork and took their measurements even before they left.

I just emailed both of them the full scripts to look over.

That seems to be the best way to work now: have them sign before they leave or someone else will.
Somebody should be documenting this, like, as in a documentary. Would make some cool behind-the-scenes footage of the struggle of an Indie filmmaker, once the film is finally finished.