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Brainstormed a lot. But no idea for an episode. Help me!

I think you haven’t any problem with this. But I. I told you my web series idea. You know. That superhero idea. And before you start nagging. I brainstormed a lot. I thought about what if superheroes were real. I thought about what society they would have, if do they control themselves, and so on. Although I know more now, I haven’t idea for the first episode. So, do you have any tips? How do you start?
I apologize but I cannot help further. I'd suggest you write. You know, that thing you don't like to hear.
And before you start nagging.
I know you think our advice and encouragement is "nagging".
I am truly sorry you feel this way.

Yes, the 3 act structure is a good idea for this concept and the season.
The 3 act structure is good story telling.
And what is the next step in planning after brainstorming?
The next step is the step you do not want to do. It's the step everyone
is patiently telling you. It's the step you call "nagging".

There come a point in every "idea" where a writer has to move from
planning to writing. I teach screenwriting so I come across people like
you often. You don't want to start the script until everything is perfect.
You are afraid of writing a first draft that is not perfect. It is an
unreasonable expectation. I know, I know... that's "nagging".

So many people here helping you. And you call it nagging.
So many people here saying the same thing. And you call it nagging.

I wonder...

Are you a writer?
It is time for action. Brainstorming is fun, being creative, dreaming of possibilities, while you are in open mode.
Now you need to get in to action: write, write, write. In closed mode.

It can be scary to go from open to closed mode. But without doing, there will never be any scripts, just daydreams.
There is no rule for it. (H44 flashback )

Are you sure he didn't make another account? There's no way there's a twin, right? Please be right.

what is the next step
Get experience. Make, learn, repeat. How else are you going to learn to make great work. Filmmakers who always need to be spoonfed never seem to improve to the level required to make it happen.
Hey future

Whats the longest thing you've written so far? I've only gotten up to around 45 page length for a story myself.. one day maybe I'll attempt writing a feature length film.

I too like to plan everything in advance before I start writing. I always have a summary and creating that summary takes me a long time. But I don't get that summary by asking other people because nobody is going to have an idea that's as good as one of mine. That's why i'm the writer for my stories, see ? If someone else is giving you better ideas then they should be the writer.

Now go create a better idea for this concept than any of us ever will. Make your story special.
have you done backstory writing for characters? Who they are, their parents, childhood, behavior, level of education, linguistic tendencies, likes/dislikes?? I find when i frame the entirety of a person putting them into any situation becomes easier? Know your character the way the NSA knows a target down to knowing which hand they use to wipe their ass. WHen I get that in-depth I find i can create any situation and I know exactly how that guy is going to sound, how he'll will react, what he will do what he dont do... Its helpful for me to develop plot... I mean, even when it doesnt work now you know that plot doesnt work and bad plot starts to fade and good plot starts to constitute itself. Just my opinion.