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Free Kickstarter Campaign Promotion

Hi All,

Anyone who would like exposure for your kickstarter campaign for a few months for free in a new online magazine for digital filmmakers & pro videographers please e-mail me at feedback@cinemaperfecto.com and in the subject type "Getting it Started Submission". You will need to provide a high quality, good looking, 300 pixel W x 250 pixel H jpeg 72 dpi and a link to the campaign. Our content is PG-13ish so if your project has highly inappropriate content we may not be able to accept it. We have 3 spots available. First 3 to meet the qualifications at our discretion are picked. No strings attached, we will not ask you for money, this is one of the ways we are giving back to the community.

We'll be doing it a few times a year for each issue, I'll post again next round. I'll also repost to this thread when we have the three for this issue filled.
Hi All,

Getting some interest, not full yet. Just an FYI, we won't be launching until somewhere around Dec 20th, so if your campaign ends around that time, might not be very helpful for you. If we receive a ton of submissions we can also add a page to the mag.

Thanks Edward - just sent you an email. Would really like to see our campaign in there even if it only goes out 10 days before our deadline! It's going to be a dash to the finish line and we have some great rewards for the community!!


Your mag's a whole lot better than I thought it was going to be. :)

Navigation was a bit weird. Was expecting a traditional PDF layout, for some reason. Got used to it.

Top 10 films to see... includes Purple Rain? :hmm: Will have to watch that one again.

How often will you be putting these out? Great read, overall. :cool: