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Feedback on excerpt of script ? :)


The script is located at that link. It's roughly about 2 and a half pages long.

It's the end scene of an idea for a feature that I thought about... I dropped it when I realized that it would be too costly and almost unrealistic unless picked up by a big name or I suddenly came into a large budget.

Rough synopsis:

In a historic-esque world where everything is based on lower class and upper class societies, the government is rule. If you're an upper class citizen that can, as the government says, "afford to live", your life is trouble-free. But if you're a lower class citizen, you can be convicted for any crime at any time just because you're disliked by another member of the upper class. And if you're in that kind of situation, there's almost no bother in running from the government. You will be found. Within the month that you are convicted of your crime, the members of the upper class society will vote on a way you will be publically executed on a stage in the town square.

The idea of public execution had only begun when Governor William Lesse was sworn into office. He thought that if you couldn't afford to live in the "magnificent world he ran", you didn't deserve to live at all. And if you didn't keep up with earning the money that kept you wealthy, you got to see what kind of death was waiting for you in public before everyone's eyes.

Now, you can't just expect a community to be run like this without somebody wanting to do something about it. A group of six that call themselves The Lovely Genocides consists of both upper and lower class citizens and they plan on bringing Governor Lesse down. They will go through the politicians, judges, and all sorts of laws with guns at their sides. They will fall in love and be betrayed. They will watch as their own family members get publically slain. But as they say, no pain, no gain.

Prior to this scene, one of the main females found out that the governor's son, whom she had fallen in love with and thought she could trust, was just using them for information.

As the Genocides begin to infiltrate the government, the main female goes to the governor's son, begging for forgiveness and to take her in, and thus this scene begins!

I'm just looking for feedback on it and the idea of the story in general. It's a rough start, but I thought the idea was interesting.