Special Effects on 16mm - Multiple Exposures

Hello Creative Fellows!

I'm hoping you can help me out on this one. I love early cinema, which often inspires me to challenge myself, and at the moment, I'm captivated by special effects accomplished in camera. I'd love to know how to make multiple exposures on the same strip of film and have the images turn out properly exposed. Does anyone know how to achieve this marvelous effect? Your advice is greatly appreciated!

- Holly

One thing you could do that doesn't cost much money is to try ideas out with a 35mm stills camera. You could set up for the same matte box as for your motion picture camera. But fot actual mattes the box and it's mount, rail system needs to be fairly stiff. For multiple exposures and the relative exposures, stills would give you a lot of idea quickly for not much $.


For the multiple exposures with a 35mm stills camera you should be able to just press the clutch button while you wind the shutter normally. The same clutch button that lets you rewind your roll of exposed film.
