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How can I become a professional(-looking) screenwriter?

Well, now I’m gonna be to obviously. You’re a writer when you write. (I don’t check it why people always believe you’re a writer when you’re an author.)
But you aren’t a professional—or better: a professional-looking screenwriter. You, however, must become one to have success. How do I do that? Ok. I can follow the classic rules. Read, write and practice. I do that. But I wanna be better. So, do you have any other advice?
Being a professional means you have to 'be more than the skills of the craft'.
Being a great writer who wrote a great story means nothing if nobody ever reads it.
So you need to network and you need to market yourself.
The best marketing and networking is getting your scripts turned into movies.
But how to get that first opportunity?

There are several routes:
- you can post an add offering a short film script
- you can respond to adds looking for a script
- you can join or build a 48 Hour Film Project team: a great way to get to know people in the scene
- you can try submitting to contests (this is more like trying to win a lottery, the other 3 are about you taking action to show yourself to the world)

With some realised scripts under your belt it might be possible to apply for a grant. But at least you'll have a body of work to show when you want to offer your skills.
This is really like sales and marketing: you will probably have to accept a lot of 'no' till you get a 'yes'. Just remember: every 'no' is one closer to a 'yes'.

One extra route that can help to attract a spotlight is blogging about scriptwriting/storytelling. This is a way to show your expertise to people who are interested.

So, in short:
besides being great at your craft you need to learn to 'sell' your skills.
I'm not pro (yet), but I think:
1. Study deeply screenwriting format.
2. Have a story that can create huge amount of emotions.
3. Have a pc and an internet connection.
Once you make money you transform from hobbyist to professional. So write that killer screenplay! :D
There's no define difference between a screenwriter and a professional one. If you write a screenplay you are a screenwriter. When you get payed for it that is when you are professional, doing it for profit.
As far as "Looking" professional, make sure everything is properly written, formatted, and is in proper English (or applicable language).