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The right joke for the roght audience?

Telling a joke. Maybe you think “Hey! That’s easy. Why did you make a thread about it?”. But nope. It’s more difficult than you believe.
For example, a big problem is the age group. Kids often like cartoonish jokes such as the banana-slip-joke while adults like jokes about politics, adults’ topics, etc. However, the genre plays a big role, too. Or do you like a joke about dwarfs in a science fiction movie?
So, how can I find the right joke?
You have a lot of writing inquiries on this forum, don't you? Most importantly, don't complicate things. Nine times out of ten, what you think is funny, actually is to the audience. If you don't have a sense of humor, then I can't help you there.
The best jokes in cinema are when you build the foundation for the laugh. Certain jokes you can just throw in someone's face, but the build-up is the best way.
Unless you are writing a straight up comedy, your job is not to make the audience laugh. Any jokes told must fit the story and characters. So if a character is known for telling lame jokes, that doesn't mean you wrote a bad joke. It means the character told one, and if you need a laugh there, it can be from the reactions he gets from his lame jokes, for example. If you are writing a comedy that is different. And your job is story AND making people laugh.