the grudge: ju on. i have a theory and id like youre input!

i was watching the grudge: ju on the other day. i got to the end and think i found the meaning behind the film. i wanted other peoples opinion.

the story goes that the original owner of the house killed his wife and son (he belived his son was in fact someone elses).
everyone that visits the house are terrorised and/or killed by the wife, and sometimes watched by the son.
the idea is that the evil that happened in the house stays there.

so after watching it i came up with the theory that the film is actually about psychology and the idea that a psychological abuse/problem never goes away but is instead passed to others and infects people that comes into contact with it.

to give you an idea of where im coming from, my mother had a terrible upbringing involving physical,sexual and mental abuse at the hands of her step father. she has been messed up ever since. my mother and father divorced when i was about 9. living with my mother, me and my other two brothers all suffered psychological abuse from our mother. i developed depression and had it for most of my twenties. i got counselling in my later twenties and it took three years to clear myself of the depression and most of the abuse i suffered. so essentially i broke the cycle as much as i could. but my mothers abuse towards us affected my behaviour, aswell as the relationships i had as a younger man.
so youre probably getting where im going with this by this point.

so back to the film. the paranoia the husband suffers, plagues his family (there are flashbacks of him cutting up photos). then he murders them. but when new people enter the house, they are not killed by the father. they are killed by the mother. why? they werent evil, but had an evil done to them. from there everyone coming into contact with the house die. i see this as a metaphor for the unhealthy psychology/behaviour of abuse/negativity spreading and infecting everyone it touches.
i think this is further proven when the retired cop visits the house and dies. then the next story involves his daughter when she is older and how it has made her paranoid and fearful of the house.
the film also tells the storys of individual inter connecting characters and how their life is affected when coming into contact with the house/murdered family.
lastly the old woman who lives in the house and who is found laying on the bedroom floor at the beginning of the film is not affected by the ghosts. she isnt killed and doesnt seem to even know what is going on. i wondered maybe whether she had dementia or a similar condition, making her immune to the psychological abuse/ghosts?

i know this is very long winded, i wanted to ensure i detailed it as much as possible to explain my vewpoint clearly. but id love to have other peoples opinion.
