Why Creatives Don't Succeed in 9-to-5 jobs

I'm not sure I agree with the implication that people who are successful in 9-5 type jobs lack creativity. That strikes me as very self-congratulatory and elitist.

Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. And I totally agree that we shouldn't put anyone in a box.
I'm far away from a 9-5 but know people who spend even more time at their daily job and they're more creative than I am.

Interesting article but have to agree with Dready here; creativity does not fit in a box.
I can see that. Creative people look for jobs with flexible hours to pursue their dreams that are not related to their day jobs. One of my present accounts is highly staffed with artists. Their whole mind set is different than people in a corporate environment with rigid rules. They want to express themselves.
I can see both sides of the argument. I was a carpenter for 25 years before I succeeded as an entrepreneur and had time for my art. Personally, I think that work ethic helps my writing.

Box, Corner... potato, potahto.. ;)