Makeup VFX question

Hey you guys!

I know this forum is pretty technically about film, so this question that is probably pretty out of place here. So before I ask it, first off, if someone knows of a good forum for makeup vfx, please share it here, and I'll owe you a kidney. I've failed to find a good one in my own search.

The question, at the off-chance that someone dabbles in the matter, is: A project I'm setting out to do has a scene with a hair cut with a trimmer. The actor is going to basically cut all this hair off, sort of like 50/50, britney spears or that brutal scene in The Wolf of Wall Street.
It's a pretty powerful point in the film, so I'm sure I can manage to convince the actor to do it, but it's more complicated than just that, because of how we have locations worked out. Most of the locations have him there pre and post haircut, and we only have most of our locations for 2 consecutive days, so we can't possibly do one round with the hair and one round without, though I wish we would. So... It'd just be a lot easier to do it with some clever vfx trick. I know it's been done in a bunch of films before where female actors didn't want to lose their hair in the making, and I wanted to know if any of you fine folk knew anything about it at all, just to point me in the right direction. It's a pretty low budget indie so we're hoping for a sub 300 dollars solution if possible. Anyone?

I'll leave the visual effects answers to others.

There is a simple solution that will not require any VFX. A wig.
Shoot the scene where he cuts his hair first. Then use a wig
for the rest of the shoot.