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Living Room Traffic

Here is a rewrite for another short film, that I could film inside, and not worry about lame Seattle winter.

Just gathered bunch of stuff that I own, and wrote a short 10 min film that i could film inside my own apartment.

Anyways, here is Living Room Traffic, 10 mins
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"An eye belongs to MR. HAZEL, building inspector in late 30,"

... magically changes to...

"... hovers next to Mr. Kazel,"

And other than a few other most irrelevant typos - Very Nice!

What little swearing/foul language there is doesn't "add" anything to this fun little absurdity, so I'd eliminate such.

I just watched the first half hour of Moulin Rouge, and believe that similar frenetic style, pace, movement, coloring, and extreme fish-eye lens work would benefit this production.

thank you for catching the typos. Fixed! :)

the style that id love to aim for would be brazil/imaginarium of dr pernassus/beetlejuice, and i want to rely on cgi as little as possible. Hence some of the weird "characters" are just simple Boxman, Blanket, and a Hotdog, which i already had the costumes from halloween :)

time to burry my head once again into preproduction.
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