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Best Films of 2012

So, 2012 is officially over, which means it's time to look at what your favourite movies of 2012 were.

I've produced this special video of my Top 10 films of the year. My criteria for inclusion were that the film was released in the UK during 2012, I saw it during 2012 and that it wasn't in awards contention in 2011 (although I've discounted the documentary category from that rule).



What are your favourites?
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I haven't heard of a few of those....

Skyfall was pretty good, haven't seen Life of Pi yet as Australia only got it a week ago anyway.

My list of top five would probably go something like:

1. Looper
2. Skyfall
3. The Hunger Games (this is largey because I love the books)
4. Homeland (ok it's not a film, but it was an amazing TV series)
5. Dark Knight Rises

EDIT: Somehow Australia is allowed to watch the copyrighted video! :D
I can watch it fine in the UK too... crazy Americans... I'm surprised it's been blocked as it only has promotional material.

I really enjoyed The Hunger Games and Dark Knight Rises, both were on my longlist, as was Looper, although I've started to like it less and less since I saw it. I think it's one of those films that is already ageing badly...

My list this year was a lot more arthouse/foreign language dominated than it has been in previous years. Neither a good nor a bad thing, just an observation. This was my list last year.

As for the few films that were just outside my Top 10: A Royal Affair, Sightseers, 21 Jump Street, The Master, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Anna Karenina, Your Sister's Sister, Killer Joe...
Normally I'd think that we would be blocked and they would get everything. . . How come this thread is in Promotion if ya don't mind me asking? :)

I've only seen Looper once, I'm not even sure if its on DVD here yet, so perhaps my opinion will change with more viewings, but from an initial viewing I loved it. The Hobbit would also be up there for me, probably second, except I saw it today, so technically by your guidelines it doesn't qualify.

I've noticed from shows I've seen on our international channel that I think the quality of international films is dominating Hollywood films. There's been something about all the ones I've seen that were so much better.

I still haven't seen freaking Hugo, it's meant to be amazing.

I just put this in promotion because I was popping my little video in the first post, this is really just a thread to discuss what your favourite films of 2012 were!
Works fine on Vimeo.
I guess their policing isn't as strong as YT's.

What are your favourites?
I haven't seen anything recent that isn't out on DVD.
But here are some that I've more "enjoyed" or "appreciated" than think they are the best of 2012.

Chronicle - For what was put into it I thought it a good story.
Project X - I enjoyed how the anté just kept getting upped.
21 Jump Street - Effing hilarious! Good writing.
The Raid: Redemption - Excellent action.
The Avengers - Excellent. Many characters, easy to follow all the story lines. Perfect big budget Hollywood film.
Safety Not Guaranteed - A great DIY filmmaker example. A must see for filmmaker nubies.

Not much from August and later is @ our public library.
Love subtitles. :yes:
And extras. :yes:

Most disappointing film of the year, hands down, was Prometheus.
Gorgeous looking film replete with WTF logic. Infuckingcredible pissing away of a good premise.

Now, if this were a 2012 on DVD then I could go back to August of 2011, then...
Contagion - Very nice story. Again, many characters with stories easy to follow.
50/50 - Another very nice example of what a nubie filmmaker should be able to do.
Margin Call - You should see it. Perhaps the weakest of the list.
Not in any particular order:

The Raid: Redemption
21 Jump Street

Probably some other ones i forgot :D