Script writing

How can I properly write a script and a storyboard without too much hassle for some small videos? Also how do I format them?
For formatting, Google "screenplay formatting" and look for guidelines on margins. Celtx and Trelby are two free pieces of software that automatically format screenplays so you don't have to manually mess with margins. Celtx also has some storyboarding functions. Another way to storyboard is to look up templates, print, and start drawing. I often do rough storyboards using a graphics tablet so I don't waste so much paper while forming ideas.

If you're looking for tips on writing, it depends on what you're going for. For narrative, you probably want to look up 3 act structure before starting.
What kind of video? If it's just something small, it doesn't really need to be proper unless you're wanting to learn to write scripts for bigger projects you might do. Otherwise, notes on a pad of paper might be all the script you need. If you decide you do need a real script and want free software, my vote is Trelby. If you have constant internet access where you write, Adobe Story is a great option, and you can upgrade to the full, offline version when you're ready. It has some great features for scheduling and such. Celtx has pros and cons. It's biggest pro is that it can diagram a set so you can plan lighting, camera moves and all that to you heart's content. The biggest disadvantage, is that when you want to print, you need to Typeset first, which basically means sending the script to their server to format into a PDF for you. I used Celtx for years, but personally, I wouldn't go back. It's way too bloated now.
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What helped me was reading a few of my favorite movies/tv shows scripts, what ever I could find. Even reading something I have never seen and seeing how people put it together. Then using what I noticed from that and trying to write my own. It has seem to help my scripting layout an awful lot.
Also there are some great books out there to read on script writing.

Good Luck

What helped me was reading a few of my favorite movies/tv shows scripts, what ever I could find. Even reading something I have never seen and seeing how people put it together. Then using what I noticed from that and trying to write my own. It has seem to help my scripting layout an awful lot.
Also there are some great books out there to read on script writing.

Good Luck


Good advice here, this is something I've been doing after struggling with scriptwriting for years. For me, the structure is the most difficult part, but I've found that if you read enough of other people's you can get a feel for the different techniques and work out what suits your story best. Learn the mechanics and then adapt to suit you.

I can also recommend How To Write For Television 6e if you're looking for books on the subject.

I use Celtx. It is a web based program. You can use it for free though if you subscribe, there are a lot more options. However, for basic filmmaking functions, it is a wonderful site.