releasing footage before distribution?

I am one who really believes in giving your talent their footage. I am super good at always not just giving a DVD but a video file as well for all shorts and commercials I've directed. But on my feature film that I am seeking distribution on, I've heard it's not good to let out finished scenes ahead of time. Our local theatrical premiere is next month, I would love to give the cast cut scenes for their demo reels when I see most of them. My goal is to get distribution for this movie and would not want to hurt anything, but I just can't see how it would matter if 16 people have a scene or two somewhere on youtube for their own acting reel.

Thoughts? Advice?
THANKS for reading.
Do the actors need the whole scene for their reel? I would say not... Also are they desperate to add to their reel? Maybe they could wait a few weeks.

There's a difference between a whole scene and a few lines of dialogue
Make it the most suspenseful bit from each person. The idea is that these people will share the clips with all of their friends and family, use it as an opportunity to make all of those people want to see the finished product.
If you give them footage then tell them not to use any text to identify the movie so that people can't do a google search for your movie and find footage. Blind to search engines.

I respectfully disagree. I think that by giving each actor a preview/commercial for the film tailored specifically to them you increase interest in the completed movie. I don't see a down side. As long as there is no full version of the film online anywhere, searches for it can only help when you go after distribution. I look at reel clips as promotional videos for the movie. Movies are products to be sold/distributed. I want to sell/distribute my products to as many people as possible for the greatest reward possible. The way I see it, you should be selling and promoting your film before you ever begin filming and should never stop. If you give each of your actors a clip that makes them look really good they will be much more likely to share it with others. If you just give them a stock type of clip with nothing of particular interest in it, they will just add it to their reel and no help you promote it.
Thanks all for the input. I am agreeing with each person's best bit that also showcases the film as a clip and would help to promote the film. I will upload those bits myself and send them links as well as a file their editors would put into their reel..... oh who I am kidding I will end up editing my cast's reels for free. So in that case I will make my movie be the best part of it. :lol: