How come clapper boards don't have 'shot' written on them?

Basically on a clapper board it has 'scene' and 'take'.

But a scene has more than one shot in it. You will want a master shot, as well as CUs, and OTSs for example.

But the clapper board does not include shot written on it. Why is that, I was wondering?
Because the scene also designates the shot.

5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5E are all different shots in the same scene. Some people start simply with the number (Scene 5) for the master shot, then add letters for any of the additional shots. Others start with A as the master shot.
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Because the scene also designates the shot.

5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5E are all different shots in the same scene. Some people start simply with the number (Scene 5) for the master shot, then add letters for any of the additional shots. Others start with A as the master shot.


Every camera angle change we make we just add a different letter behind the scene number.
Different parts of the world have different ways of slating - but generally, slates don't have a shot for the reasons given above. Any that are different are often custom-made/custom labelled for the production
Another application would be on a one-take interview or event where multiple cameras are used.
All cameras would zoom in to (one) slate for syncing purposes in case your time code is not working or unavailable. The editor would use the slate to find the same point on each camera...especially useful during a musical number.