Emergency Sound Designer

My short film 'Woolies' that a few people have seen is all but complete but the sound track I got back from my sound designer is full of horrid noises.

Anyhow he has now got his end of year exams and I don't think he terribly wants to correct the track (hence not replying to my last email) but I've got to get this film finished, packaged and sent off before I leave for Canada at the end of the month.

So please if anyone knows what they're doing and has an hour or two to spare- all I need now is usable sound with a little bit of foley.

I just really want to get this finished asap so, pretty please, sound designers of Indietalk, hear my cry of pain!

Thanks ;)

No-one? :(

I had hoped that the 'emergency' prefix would highlight the depth of my problem. If there's anyone out there who would be willing to do it, please let me know!

If you're a professional and hate my amateurish guts then I might be able to pay...