is this over kill?

If I am leaving my warm house and go out into the cold for a shoot, I have my camera in a duffel bag but my camera is also inside a zip lock bag, along with my recorder and shotgun mic.

Is this over kill? I have it so in case it rains my stuff is still good but I wonder if having my stuff in a zip lock back and in a duffel bag is a bit much for letting my gear either warm up or cool down to prevent condensation.
When going warm to cold, the ziploc bags are probably overkill. Just keep it in the bag until it's had a good chance to cool off.
However, they are important going cold to warm/humid, not overkill at all! Some people say simply keeping the bag zipped up is sufficient, I still use ziploc bags. It's important that the bag is acclimated to the colder environment also; no good throwing in a bag full of warm moist air...
