I have a short, now what do I do with it?

I'm just finishing up my film "Seoul Night." It was fun, stressful and a true learning experience. But now I have this film and besides an few film festivals, I really am not sure what to do with it. The main purpose was to use it as a proof-of-concept for a feature film of the same name that I wrote a script for. At this point I have one investor, so I hope it works out.

I dunno, I put a lot of time into this thing, who else would be interested in this. Feedback is much appreciated.

Sound like kickstarter is in your future. Its not hard and you really have nothing to loose.

Simple plan, this is what Im doing now.. not quite the same goal but close enough:
  • Invest SOME money in submitting to festivals that you might when some awards at.
  • Invest SOME money in building up your facebook \ twitter networks. Start a facebook fan page and have snipets, outakes etc avaialble for fans. A website too! Keep the content fresh and updated, talk about the festivals etc.. Even if you have NO fans, act like you do.
  • In the meantime work on a BUDGET for the feature\next short. One you can already afford if too fund it with what you already have secured.
  • Create a "Pitch" video for kickstarter going for your budgeted ammount.
  • Add your award winning short to the kickstarter page
  • Blast your twitter \ facebook \ and what ever networks driving traffic to see the full short on kickstarter.
  • Pray

If your kickstarter is a success you've doubled your budget! if not, you can still make your movie and try again..