[Jul 24] What are you working on this week?

Originally posted by Quality: Yeah, most of the request I'm interested in though so I have no problem writing something new. It's just the problem of other people having a better story. And to write your own script and post it you have to subscribe.

So are you saying that you write a new script to fit each of these postings? I've used InkTip in the past, and have only submitted when the script(s) that I have fit(s) what they're looking for. Maybe I'm weird - I'm certainly not saying I have a monopoly on the right approach - but I generally spend a year or more on a script before it's ready for anyone to read it. And that "anyone" is usually someone from whom I want feedback for my next found of revisions.
Wow Mara, that is working on longterm goals. :P
I started writing a script last year, but I have the longterm goal, just need to work on it.
Just think of Kubrick & how long he took to develop his films. Not everyone has to be like that. But you can't argue with his results :)
But on Inktip producers ask for scripts every week. That should be enough time to write one script, at least the first draft.
But on Inktip producers ask for scripts every week. That should be enough time to write one script, at least the first draft.
That's pretty amazing you can write a script in a week. Is that for a full length feature?
How does subscribing work? Do you pay for a year?
I am, admittedly, a bit obsessive :)

I think that is not only healthy but normal. Those who've never done what we do might look at me and think that I'm not doing anything for my next film, but that wouldn't even be slightly true. I think about it ALL THE TIME, and I keep organized notes. Just cuz I don't yet have formal words written on paper that doesn't mean I'm not writing a screenplay. We all have our own method that is unique to us, but I think the one thing we share in common is time -- lots of it. :)
I think that is not only healthy but normal. Those who've never done what we do might look at me and think that I'm not doing anything for my next film, but that wouldn't even be slightly true. I think about it ALL THE TIME, and I keep organized notes. Just cuz I don't yet have formal words written on paper that doesn't mean I'm not writing a screenplay. We all have our own method that is unique to us, but I think the one thing we share in common is time -- lots of it. :)

You are incubating the idea. Very good :)