Hi From Indie Soundtrack/Sound Design Guy

My name is Russell Blalack and I do soundtrack, music and sound design for indie films. Some of my films are linked on this web page http://www.blalack.net/russell/id23.html

I recently released a CD of indie soundtrack music on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Withou...=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1257354798&sr=8-

So, if you need a post-production music and sound design guy it could be me.

Also, if you are interested in indie soundtrack music like I am, I'd like to start a blog or interest group or connect to one if you know of such.

Hi Russell,

I'm so glad you started this thread. My name is Trish. I'm green to this industry, but so fascinated with soundtracks, scores, etc. I sometimes watch a film just for the music. I'm working an assignment (student at Arizona State) discussing a topic of my liking and I chose to discuss how music is selected or created for film. Can you provide some insight? Thanks.

'sup rblalack :)

That soundtrack you linked - is that a plain regular ol' album, or is it a collection of tracks for indie filmmakers to add to their library of scores?

Just wonderin'. :cool: