How Should I Go About Applying to Production Companies?

Just a simple question. What's the most effective way to go about applying for production companies. I feel like I could get in somewhere as a PA, but don't really know how to go about asking that. Considering they would only need PA's for certain projects here and there. I just want to find a secure place I can say I work at, and just get my foot in the door even if it's crappy gopher stuff. What do you guys think would be the best strategy to go about doing this? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
Tip #1. Don't consider anything you do as a PA as crappy stuff.

Suggestion: Go to them. Tell them you want to work for them. Offer to work for them for free for the first 1-4 weeks and at the end, you two talk about how you went and take it from there. Obligation free.

It's an old sales technique, remove the risk away from the buyer. If they say they'll think about it, always tell them you'll follow up. Ask them if they mind if you follow up in a couple of days. Don't make it their job to follow up to you.

Though, they still do take on risk. It takes time to bring new people on. Training, even just simply keeping an eye on you. A lot of what you'd do is sitting around, trying to stay from getting under foot. Pay a lot of attention and learn, learn, learn. You want to be at the point where you can anticipate their needs and deliver it at the right time. Be proactive, but don't overstep your bounds. Never ever be late, in fact, always be early... and never, under no circumstances ever ask when you can go home. Never ever ask. Even if you're dead on your feet, at the end of an the third 18 hour unpaid shift in a row, just don't ask... oh and don't f**k up.

You're going to make a lot of coffee/tea/water/sodas/fetch lunches/snacks. Never ever ask them how they like it more than once. Keep a list of people preferences. Be proactive. Be a valued member. Anticipate their needs.

Sound tough? That's the easy part... wait until you have to convince them you're worth paying ;)