Certified Copy Question

We're going on a 'quasi' road trip over the week end and one DVD I borrowed from the library is Certified Copy. I heard that this movie is excellent but because it's not from the US, it doesn't have that MPAA rating which states how safe it is especially for kids.

Now the question is, if you've seen it, do you think it's safe for kids? No nudity? Sex?
It's definitely not a kids movie.

Here's the BBFC's Extended Classification Information for the film:

. COPIE CONFORME (CERTIFIED COPY) is a drama set in the Tuscan countryside, following the developing relationship between an English writer and a French woman who appear to have just met. The film was classified '12' for one use of strong language.

The BBFC's Guidelines at '12A'/'12' state that 'The use of strong language (for example, 'fuck') must be infrequent'. The single use of strong language is uttered by a woman who is upset and frustrated by the trials of parenting.

The film also contains one shot in the distance of a woman lighting a cigarette that passes without comment and a reference to 'mistresses' during a conversation between women about their husbands. These would otherwise have been contained under the Guidelines at 'PG'.
Well my sister is like 12 and she's used to hearing that swear word around (sadly) lol. My main concern is the sex and nudity stuff.

No sex and nudity.

It's rated 12a here in the UK, so your sister would've been able to go see it on her own in the cinema if she'd wanted. It might be quite slow though because it's all about complicated adult emotions'n'shit...