Sam Raimi Blocks Unauthorized 'Evil Dead' Sequel

Sam Raimi has prevailed in his effort to stop a production company from releasing an unauthorized sequel to his horror classic trilogy series The Evil Dead.

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I think it's great!! Go Mr. Raimi!
I am very happy about this news and it should set a precedent now for any other production companies trying to create unofficial sequels to established properties.
Am I missing something here? :hmm:

Doesn't Raimi own the rights, and one would need his permission to make a sequel (authorised or not) to the film anyway? Just 'cos Raimi hasn't made a sequel himself doesn't mean the rights open up to the public. So he shut down a production that he had every right to shut down.

Why the excitement?
Apparently Awards Pictures took a comment Raimi had made in 2000 about him saying there will never be another Evil Dead film and used it as a reason why they wanted to go ahead with one because with his statement they believed it signalled Raimi didn't want anything to do with the franchise any more (even though Evil Dead is remade).

Also Award Pictures tried years ago to do a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China.
Heh, they sound like idiots.

They should at least aim high and go for the Star Wars franchise. See how far they get on parts 7, 8 & 9
I sincerely believe that George Lucas has surveillance set up all over the world looking out for people wanting to make Star Wars Episodes 7, 8 and 9 so they wouldn't get very far at all :lol:

I hope this case sets a precedent against this sort of thing.

It sounds like their plan is to muscle, or more like weasel, their way over others' rights, law be damned. It's as though they're arguing something like easment by prescription. Is there something similar to that in copyright law? If there is, sounds like bad law to me. Sounds very weaselly.
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There wasn't a summary judgement, the court entered a permanent injunction. The topic is still open for debate because the injunction was entered as a result of Award Pictures not responding to the lawsuit in the time dictated by the court. The court didn't rule on the arguments or legality of the claim, they simply penalized Award for being tardy.
I honestly wouldn't mind a new star wars movie (live action) made by someone other than a man who makes movies as an excuse to sell action figures.
A while back Joe Johnston was interested in a Boba Fett solo film with the intention to direct (he worked on the original Star Wars).

I would accept new live-action films set in the Star Wars universe but not more films that are labelled Episode 7, 8 and 9.