What's The Best Title Creator Software?

As discussed, Sony Vegas has really poor title creation utilities that can use a major overall or Sony should subcontract another company to make a title creator utility for them.

And, the title generator in Adobe Premiere came originally from Pinnacle and called Title Dekko. Pinnacle's video editing software has the Title Dekko features.

I forget where the one from Final Cut and Media Creator come from.

Does anyone know any really good title generator program available for video editing software as a plug-in?

I make the titles from I, Creator 2 with Adobe Photoshop and animated them with Vegas and used greenscreen effects to get the cyborgs are Artemis into the design.

But, I want something better for future productions.
I'm a huge Warehouse 13 fan, but most of their subtitle for time and location are pretty cheesy. They usually work with the lighter mood of the show but I think it was a risky move and would avoid anything like that in something you're hoping to sell. If you've already sold it and you know cheesy is the right touch that's one thing, but I was turned off by them the first few episodes before I learned the universe.
Some of the bigger studios use Inferno for special effects as well as the dedicated Vfx houses.

CORE Digital Pictures use to have Inferno systems networked together.

In my area, a post Vfx house has Inferno, Smoke, and Flame Vfx software for their studio customers and After Effects for their low budget customers.
I've sat in on sessions on an Inferno before. At this point, for general work at standard HD resolution, there's very little difference in capabilities between systems like that and AE. You might have to wait to render things a little longer, but that's about it.