Is this correct?

Clip from a TV show I'm attempting to analyze:

The clip above is displaying a sequence --i'll call it the 'sex scene' sequence-- and within that sequence are 3 scenes. The guy who initially is shown within his home on the phone with the guy having sex is one scene, the guy having sex is as second one, and the woman in her office is a thrid. They are shown bounced back and forth between each other during the phone call --and at the end of the clip a scene 4 may have started with the guy from the beginning of the clip having house guests. Is that correct? Are there 3 scenes primarily shown and bounced around, with a possible 4th one starting at the end of the clip?

A scene happens when the time or location of the previous scene/of a currently viewed scene changes ----from what i understand-- and the location changes to show what other characters on the phone call --outside of the initial character-- are doing during the clip.