Sony's "Carrie" Promotional Prank

Pretty good stuff. What did that add to the marketing budget? Is it worth it? I would say, from a self interested perspective, at least, that it is because it is rather entertaining. =)
I think it's great. The video has over 34 million views, it really must have stirred up a lot of attention around that area, and it's entertaining. There have been a few Carrie publicity stunts/promotional pranks, and so far it sounds like they have turned out well - this one being the most successful. Very clever marketing strategy. I don't want to see the film because I'm sick of remakes, sequels, prequels, and rip offs. I want to see something new!

I have a feeling this is going to be top box office first weekend.
Yeah, this was a good one. Not cheap, but certainly lower-budget for Sony, and it seems like a marketing strategy that will pay off.

I love seeing people's genuine reactions caught on tape. THAT'S what it looks like when people are freaked out for real. So fun. :eek:
Interesting... Great vid. Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, this was a good one. Not cheap, but certainly lower-budget for Sony...
But with 35+ million views that's actually very cheap publicity. No paying networks x millions for ad slots etc. I'm sure that will come too but in the meantime they have 35+ million hits for relatively little cost.
...and it seems like a marketing strategy that will pay off.
Got to agree. Great marketing by Sony.
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There's no way there were uncontrolled "customers" in there. All it takes is one panicking assclown deciding to "stand their ground" in the chaos, and bodies start hitting the floor.

It's just as real as the LG elevator floor collapse & the newer meteor strike.

It's still a pretty cool setup, though. :)

Edit: Added links and fixed Samsung to LG :blush:
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I was thinking about it today, and it occurred to me that they probably had a budget, though small for Sony, that a lot of filmmakers on IT would looove to have for a short film. I mean, they must of done all the things that you guys would do for a short film shoot: insurance, crew to build that set/modify the coffee shop, at least one stunt man, that stunt set-up and crew to execute it, actors, permissions and releases, paying for that location, all the other crew, etcetera.

Isn't another cool thing about it the live theater aspect? I suppose Sony could care less about live theater; they're doing it for promotion and to hopefully cause a buzz. But that's really another thing they've done --a live theater show, right? I think that's so cool in it's own right. Something about that came up in another thread somewhere...about the mixture of the film experience and live theater. And someone said, yeah, you can get that at one of those Rocky Horror Picture Show midnight events. And this seems like another way to do it. Cool beans. =)

Edit. In fact, if they can do these kind of physical effects in a coffee shop, why not on Broadway? Look out Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of OZ. Step aside, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. Here comes Carrie: the Musical!

Come on! This is gold, I tell ya, gold!

Are you listening Sony? Mr. King? Or whoever owns the rights?

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Here's the vid that shows the set-up. There were other actors, but the reactions are of real customers.
I was thinking about it today, and it occurred to me that they probably had a budget, though small for Sony, that a lot of filmmakers on IT would looove to have for a short film.

Indeed! That's what I meant by "not cheap." I think about all that it took to make that happen and shake my head because I could never afford to pull that off as well as they did on a shoestring. But it was a drop in the bucket for Sony, so it's marketing dollars well spent. :yes:

BTW - we just rewatched the 1976 Carrie last night. Wow. Sure it wasn't perfect and there was definitely room for improvement in editing and cutting some superfluous scenes, but one can only hope they find actors half as good as Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. Killer performances! (literally!)

It's hard to beat this iconic horror image of the blood soaked prom queen!


Those EYES!
Remake might be good (I'm not going to have my hopes high), but like many horror films, the original can't be beaten. There are very few remakes that are better/just as good/come close to the original. I mean I guess The Thing was a good remake of Thing From Another World, but then again the only true similarities are the location and monster's way of killing the heroes of the film. Same with The Fly. But those are considered "older" films. The only OKAY horror remake that I can think of that's come out in the last 20 years is the The Ring. But that's about it.

Hopefully the filmmakers will do a good job. I hope they take a completely different direction than the original film. The De Palma version can't be beat.
Oh yeahhhhh, those are great images, iconic, like you said. Brian De Palma. I mean, I realize he didn't do it all single-handedly, but...yeah, the team good a job.