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"THE LIAR" Indie Short!

Hey all! I am a thirteen year veteran in the entertainment industry as an actor. http://www.imdb.me/aaronfors I have written and will be directing, producing, and performing in a short film this year. Please check out the trailer, and if you can, donate even just a few bucks towards keeping dreams and indie film alive! :cool: There are of course, awesome rewards for donating as well!


The film "The Liar" is a gripping, dark, and often amusing look into the life of a gifted pathological liar, a fictional but as realistic as possible adventure into the world of a young man living successfully in the cracks of society, and a mystery in the classic tradition. The film is under S.A.G. contract and will be aggressively promoted and geared towards both national film festivals. *sundance, etc.* as well as the Cannes Film Festival 2013.

All donations will go directly towards a tightly written budget.

We have 59 hours of donation left and have raised 4,082 out of 5,000 dollars!!!! That being said, unless we reach our budget, kickstarter allows no donations to be taken and it is all for naught! It would mean the world to me if my fellow indie artists could come to the rescue of a real labor of love. Even a dollar goes a long way and means a lot. Thank you all so much!!!
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A treatise on "THE LIAR"

As we come to a close, I want all of our incredible backers, supporters, and audience to know what they are really getting themselves into. ;)

So, when creating any piece of art; one must ask themselves two very important questions: What constitutes "good art"? And even more importantly: Has this been done before?

Well, "Art" is defined as: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. I believe that anything fitting into that definition, is in fact "Good Art".


Putting aside the obvious desire to get myself "out there" and put my talents to work.

My vision for my first venture as a filmmaker is to make something New.

Lying is the real protagonist of the film. Why? Because lying is something every human being has thousands upon thousands of unique, nuanced experiences with. Some of us avoid it, some us embrace it, and some of us don't even know we're doing it, but we all know it, like a trusty pair of pants.

Regardless of your personal feelings towards lying, it is a deep, supporting root of human society. Our novels, our films, our paintings and music; all fiction, is in a sense, a lie. There are countless words for the many faces of lying in all the world's languages, because it is an entity that spans the globe. Human and animal, we all lie.

Now that is something to tell a story about.

In order to bring that idea to life, the main character needed to become a fluid entity, someone who's very soul could be hollowed out like a melon and filled up with whatever he needed to be at the time.

As a result, the audience will never be certain who "The Liar" is. As viewers you will be lied to by the characters, the camera, the environment, the author, and if we've done our jobs, you will even lie to yourself.

The film will juggle everything from politics, to street-rap. Great mental feats, murder, love, and more.

We are going to achieve this in a fast 15 minutes, buzzing with electricity, cunning, arrogance, redemption and grave instability.

The inspiration for the film comes in large part from the life of an actor: Shaped, from a very early age in cases such as my own, into something malleable and uncertain, an actor has a very special relationship with lying.

An actor learns to conjure genuine emotions, from the massive and myriad tumult of a lover scorned, to the nuanced and solitary thoughts of a father watching his newborn sleep. Likewise, an actor is taught to bend his voice, his body, his every knack, this way and that, to better paint a picture.

The film will study very esoteric complexities in a very simple, approachable, groovy way.

Who are we? What makes us who we are? What matters in our life? What would the consequences be if a man's entire existence was taken over by lying? What changes and what will always be the same?

This is obviously an incredibly weighty undertaking, especially for a skeleton crew on a spartan budget. That being said, I believe great art comes from great passion, and we have assembled an absolute A-team of incredible actors, sound wizards, wardrobe, makeup, production crew and a breathtaking cinematographer.

The project will be SAG, everyone will be paid, though modestly, and the film will be lied, conned, and finagled into every film festival possible. ;)

Please help support new and unique independent film and spread the word!

26 hours to go, 813 dollars left to raise!

Thank you all so much!

Whoooooohoooo *crazy happy dance!* 5,200 raised!!!! We are in the dregs of the last hour now my friends but remember! Every last penny beyond 5,000 goes towards making a sleeker, shinier, more brilliant "The Liar" Get your original t-shirts, DVD's autographed swanky swag, and film festival adventure packages now! Thank you all soo much!!

We love you all!

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1169145670/the-liar-a-short-film - Get your 5 dollar digital copies of the film and 10 dollar DVD's while you still can!