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Any Facebook members here? Let's connect.

Guys and Gals,

Any Facebook members here? Let's connect! I'm an indie filmmaker and I've got a production page up on Facebook called Dream Seekers Productions. I'm looking to network around and connect with other filmmakers and film fans. I just found this page recently and I've already come across some great people!

If you are a writer, director, DP, producer, composer, compositor, animator, actor (and so on and so forth) or just a big ole' fan of film stop by our page and follow us. I love all types of stories, but I gravitate towards HORROR, FANTASY, SCIENCE FICTION, THRILLERS and DRAMAS. Oh, we've done animation too:) Love. It. All.

I'm always down to talk movies, and for upcoming projects I might have a spot for someone on the team, if you're a crew member.

Here's our page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dream-Seekers-Productions/172920942773026

My current short film project, Battle of the Pacific, is somewhat a fantasy film. The movie in the middle of post, but here is a teaser trailer:
Our facebook page is facebook.com/battleofthepacific

And currently i'm writing a feature film, Nuns and Cannibals, which is a campy horror film.
I don't have a fanpage for it yet, but you can follow me on twitter.com/dlevanchuk to get updates on both projects.

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I'm here, on facebook and will check your page out. I posted my 2nd post here about the page for the project I'm working on. It's called Nowhere.
Thanks, Fernando. Sin, Nuns and Cannibals, Battle of the Pacific. Lots of diversity out there! I can see that already! Ha! Very nice.
Count me in! Artists of all walks unite!

I am a thirteen year veteran in the entertainment industry as an actor. http://www.imdb.me/aaronfors I have written and will be directing, producing, and performing in a short film this year.

The film is a gripping, dark, and often amusing look into the life of a gifted pathological liar.

Heres my facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aaron.fors

Here's the page for "THE LIAR" http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Liar-Productions/266903650045498

And now, shamelessly, here's the page for our kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1169145670/the-liar-a-short-film 58 hours to go and almost there guys!