Little birdy goes tweet tweet.

Like it or not, social networking is extremely important, and I'm trying to as active in the film community as possible. So is anyone here on twitter? (I know a post exists about twitter already, but it is entirely too old and too long) By "on twitter" I don't mean, posts once a month about their nephew, nor do I mean posts what they ate for lunch. I mean, is actually involved in the community?

I have a twitter account, that when used (rarely) is largely focused on day job, programming, stuff. I find twitter too noisy and chaotic to be of much real use to me personally.
At this point I haven't used my personal twitter account much over the last year or so other than to test integration with apps I'm working on. Just too many things to keep up with - if I spent the time on twitter it would have to cut down on my IT time, and that's just not acceptable...

We do have an IDOM account, but it mostly just cross-posts from our facebook page.
I found Twitter remarkably useless when I had an account for a short period of time. It seemed that I couldn't find a way to network like I could on places like Facebook, so I was just posting abbreviated content to half a dozen followers - not worth my time. I've decided to stick with communicating with the fans of my music and films on Facebook and Facebook only. It's a much better tool to interact with people and post content.

I don't think Twitter becomes very useful until you have a massive following ready to immediately follow you onto it. I think it's difficult to build much of an audience there if you don't already have it. Maybe one day when my fanbase on Facebook expands enough, I'll utilize Twitter.