Help Need Advice

Hello. My name is Lukas and I am a teenage filmmaker. My friends and I are trying to start off something small, just some short videos and stuff that we hope to create into a bigger picture. If you give us any advice or ideas that would be fantastic! Thank you:)
Tip #1: Read the forums lots. There's a lot of information in there that will help you.
Tip #2: Don't expect to be spoonfed.
Tip #1 - The real secret to technically successful shoots is preproduction, more preproduction and then even more preproduction. Then review everything and do some more preproduction. Successful filmmaking is all about details, everything from gear to scheduling to props to locations to H/MU & wardrobe to production and post sound to shooting & editing... The list goes on and on.

Tip #2 - Put LOTS of effort into capturing solid production sound. Every dollar/minute you spend on capturing solid production sound will save you ten dollars/minutes in audio post. The audience will forgive mediocre visuals; they will NEVER forgive poor sound.

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because
"Sound is half of the experience."