SFX forum

Is there a central web clearinghouse to connect with some sci-fi SFX folks? I'm especially interested in finding someone in the US Pacific Northwest who can help develop a couple of cool, original sci-fi costumes and helmets from sketches.
If you want to learn it, do some courses at Digital Tutors or FX PHD.

I'm sure a basic understanding of VFX would be useful, but Kingda Ka was asking about SFX (i.e. physical, practical effects on the set/in camera).

I can't really answer the original question, but I would recommend reading The DV Rebel's Guide by Stu Maschwitz as a very helpful introduction to doing SFX work on the cheap and augmenting it with VFX in post-production. Some of the post stuff is a little dated now, but still useful background reading.

I think wheatgrinder may be in your neck of the woods…
Costumes wouldn't fall under Special Effects.

I can't give you a personal recommendation for designers in the area
you want - I know great costumers in the SoCal area. I'll ask around
to see if they know anyone in your area.

Several years ago I contacted Helen's Pacific Costumers based out of
Portland when I was shooting a film in Washington. You might want
to check them out.
Oh, interesting. I did not know costumes were considered separate from SFX. There may be some cross-over, as the costumes have gizmos.

But I also have a couple of vehicles and weapons to do. I'll see what the pros say.