
Hey guys, I graduated highschool last year and have always had a huge passion for film. I want to have a career working in the film industry. I ve been doing some research on which schools to go to for film but i'm still uncertain. If there is anyone who has attended film school or is currently attending one, is it worth it? Which are the best ones? After graduation is getting a job on set difficult? My biggest worry is paying alot of money on a school and not being able to get a job. Also, I should let you know that I live in Canada so I would prefer a school in Canada. Thanks!!:)

Is getting a job on set after graduation difficult? Yes. You have to generally do a lot of pay-next-to-nothing work starting as a PA or intern generally to meet the right people and what not.

I dropped out of film school after a couple semesters and talking to grauduates who worked at the mall or pizza place. I already had a freelance work doing production, but I was fortunate enough to have known somebody.

What speciically do you want to do on set, any ideas? It'll be a lot easier finding a job as a set painter or 2nd AC than Director most likely.

That aside, education is extremely important. In the industry however, a diploma may not be.
Hey! Thank you for your response. At this moment i'm unsure of what I would want to do on set, but I would eventually like to be a DOP or something similiar. Are you saying film school isn't worth it? Would it just be better to have certain courses?
As far as my wisdom goes, getting hired for a job in most "artistic" crafts relies more heavily on you providing a solid portfolio, than it relies on you showing a diploma. In practice this means that if you can make your employer trust that you are supremely competent with what you do, they will most likely not worry about whether or not you attended school.

How you go about learning is up to you. Film school will of course provide very valuable experience and knowledge, but I would dare to say that with dedication you can learn just as much from amassing knowledge from books, the web and alike, in addition to of course making your own shorts.

Though one shouldn´t overlook the benefit of networking one may get in film schools.